FilmDoo is proud to announce the launch of their Diversity Film Programme for Businesses, a project aimed at providing a rich new set of resources to any company interested in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
The programme will give corporates and organisations ongoing access to FilmDoo’s feature film collection, which currently spans 83 countries and 35 languages. Steering the project is the platform’s new Head of Diversity, David Page, who believes that the platform’s ever-expanding catalogue has the potential to enhance any existing diversity training scheme.
“We have movies that touch on every aspect of diversity,” David says. “And so we have created a package whereby corporations can use the power of digital interaction to show, teach and enlighten people’s understanding around hard topics.”
The Diversity Film package includes newly sourced films categorised by themes, issues, or interests – such as LGBT, Disability and Human Rights – that can be integrated into diversity training sessions. Businesses will also have the option of hosting or attending film screenings and events held to promote and raise awareness of diversity issues, and can collaborate with FilmDoo for the creation of marketing and PR diversity content, such as film editorial and videos for employees.
The programme is inspired by notions of 2D diversity – that is, an awareness of diversity that extends not just to inherent traits like race, gender, and sexual orientation, but also the diversity in perspective acquired by differing experiences and cultural factors. It is David’s hope that the programme can bring companies into “the next generation of 2D Diversity Training.”
Various studies from the past few years make a convincing case that diversity isn’t just a matter of ethics, but also brings an array of strategic benefits to the workplace. It therefore comes as little surprise to see an increasing number of businesses are incorporating diversity training into their schedules, but as recent data suggests, the effectiveness of these sessions is often severely limited.
“We are seeing more and more corporates investing in diversity training for their staff,” FilmDoo CEO and Co-Founder Weerada Sucharitkul observes. “Which is great, but you can’t really ‘train’ diversity in any meaningful way if deep-rooted unconscious biases remain. The only way to truly change minds is through continuous, ongoing exposure to different cultures and interest groups.”
It is the philosophy at FilmDoo that cinema can be a powerful medium for inspiring the necessary empathy to support lasting change. While instructive training sessions will often encourage cold compliance, films promote genuine compassion for people different from ourselves. Great cinema can cross cultural barriers, offer new perspectives, and provide compelling talking points for a thoughtful and productive discourse.
“My work with FilmDoo on the diversity packages gives me enormous pleasure and satisfaction,” David says. “We have a product that can be used to spread a message and create a platform from which people can absorb information in a powerful and thought provoking way that words alone simply can’t do. We continue to strive in connecting the world through film.”
Want to get ahead in your workplace Diversity? Get in touch!
Head of Diversity: David Page
CEO & Co-Founder: Weerada Sucharitkul