By Jessica Duncanson While the Eastern European horror genre may bring a certain controversial Serbian feature to mind for many, the region has delivered its fair share of stylistic and symbolic horrors, alongside those that do focus […]
By Jessica Duncanson While the Eastern European horror genre may bring a certain controversial Serbian feature to mind for many, the region has delivered its fair share of stylistic and symbolic horrors, alongside those that do focus […]
Directed by James Cullen Bressack Pernicious, the devilish new horror film from James Cullen Bressack, is a picture that looks to have been built from the visuals up, making it first and foremost a rush […]
By Jonathan Walik Directed by Till Kleinert A rural German village has recently become home to a supposedly vicious wolf that has made the woods its new stomping ground. A bright eyed, earnest police officer […]
By David Pountain Dir: Lucio Fulci Watch The New York Ripper on FilmDoo Of the many talented directors to work in the heyday of Italian horror, none are more widely beloved and maligned than Lucio Fulci. A […]
By David Pountain Dir: Dario Argento Watch Suspiria on FilmDoo Dario Argento’s kaleidoscopic classic Suspiria is not set in our world. It takes place in a world of vibrant expressionism – of harsh reds, blues, yellows and […]
By Benjamin Brown “Pain and pleasure, like light and darkness, succeed each other”- Lawrence Stern Like Yin and Yang, pain and pleasure are ultimately two sides of the same coin in an emotional vortex of […]