FilmDoo are pleased to announce their partnership with the Chinese Visual Festival (CVF) as it enters into its seventh year.
FilmDoo will be teaming up with the Chinese Visual Festival to help promote exceptional cinema from the Chinese-speaking world.
The London-based Chinese Visual Festival (CVF) kicks off on May 2nd and will take place at BFI Southbank, Bertha DocHouse and King’s College London. Until May 11th audiences can watch some of the best new cinema that the Chinese-speaking world has to offer. The festival will host a range of film screenings, as well as events and director discussions.
Festival Director James Mudge is particularly pleased to be welcoming directors Wen Hai and Ju Anqi, calling them “two of the most vital filmmakers and artists working in China today, both bringing challenging perspectives and techniques to their work”.

From documentary to animation, the festival boasts a diverse range of Chinese cinema, including European and UK premieres. Some exciting film picks include: Ju Anqi’s epic Poet on a Business Trip and Midi Z’s powerful The Road to Mandalay (trailer below).
FilmDoo’s Jessica Duncanson will be hosting a Q&A with Ju Anqi about his films There’s a Strong Wind in Beijing and Big Characters on Saturday May 6th at King’s Lucas. Tickets can be purchased here.
FilmDoo users can get discounted tickets to all CVF events taking place at King’s by using the code FILMDOO@CVF at checkout. Get your tickets and stay tuned to FilmDoo for videos from the festival.