FilmDoo has launched a global design competition whereby three winners will receive fantastic prizes and the paid opportunity to create artwork for an upcoming film release. The FilmDoo Creativity competition is supported by leading tech brands Adobe, Scan and Nvidia, leading film distributors Altitude Entertainment, Picturehouse Entertainment, Peccadillo Pictures, Third Window Films and Terracotta Distribution. Also supporting this initiative is Little White Lies magazine, industry trade zine The Raygun and film production community Shooting People. A leading panel of judges within the design and film industry will choose the winning designs. The winners will be announced during the Cannes Film Festival in May, where their posters will be displayed. FilmDoo is thrilled to pay homage to the art of movie posters and receive original artwork from all around the world.

Press release: Calling all Creatives!
Shooting People: FilmDoo’s Poster Picks
The RayGun: Just Doo It