By Jessica Duncanson Watch Korean Films on FilmDoo These South Korean films cover a wide range of genres and tell many different stories. One thing they all have in common, however, is a focus on […]
By Jessica Duncanson Watch Korean Films on FilmDoo These South Korean films cover a wide range of genres and tell many different stories. One thing they all have in common, however, is a focus on […]
By Weerada P. Sucharitkul FilmDoo Co-founder In the early 2000s, the South Korean entertainment industry, including music and films, experienced a slump. But, as the years have progressed, both sectors have grown steadily to become […]
By David Pountain Dir: Lee Chang-dong Dodging the patronising pitfalls common to disability drama and wrenching the “˜unconventional romance’ trope from the jaws of rom-com cutesiness, Lee Chang-dong’s startlingly provocative Oasis is a film that […]
By Benjamin Brown “Pain and pleasure, like light and darkness, succeed each other”- Lawrence Stern Like Yin and Yang, pain and pleasure are ultimately two sides of the same coin in an emotional vortex of […]
Check out the FIlmDoo review for a movie which is guaranteed to make you smile.
An intensely moving look at friendship and its deterioration…