Image from: Gaz de France (2016)

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Reviewed by clairenievas PY / Joined clairenievas 2016
"Comedic And Eye-opening all at the same time!"
Gaz de France
Gaz de France
Gaz de France
France, 2016, 86 minutes, HD Science Fiction, Comedy, Arthouse
There are quite a few comedic moments in this film  but somewhere along the way it didn't seem to hold the viewers' attention too strongly.  The plot is quite ambitious in that it takes a rather satirical look at French politics and the story revolves around a president on the brink of being kicked out by his people.  It starts off interestingly and a group of unlikely characters are introduced, however,  near the middle part of the film the phase seems to slack off and up until the latter part of the film, which for me was quite depressing to think that I had high hopes with this movie.  But then again there'll always be a saving grace,  of which, you'd have to find out!  
Not for me
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