Image from: Girls Lost (2015)

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Reviewed by nikkareyes PH / Joined nikkareyes 2016
Girls Lost
Girls Lost
Girls Lost
Sweden, 2015, 106 minutes Coming of Age, LGBT, Arthouse
Very engrossing movie with a touch of fantasy!  The story is about three girls who are bullied at school but discovers that through the nectar of a magical flower they can transform to boys who were easily welcomed by the neighborhood boys, no questions asked. Of the three lead stars, it's the character of Kim (Tuva Jagell) that gets more focus and it's an interesting character because she's conflicted and complex. Jagell effectively breathed out the role of Kim as seamlessly as possible though once in a while viewers can't help but feel distracted with her fine and gentle features, a pretty face that registers well onscreen.  Then comes this guy Tony whom Kim feels so drawn to and in this movie you'll be surprised of the constant twists, revealing why Kim feels strongly towards Tony, who in turn makes her a willing crime ally.  The realism presented  especially in terms of conflicted sexual orientation is striking and young people who are just starting to explore themselves could easily relate to this.  Very commendable performances with  an impressive musical score to boot.  Worth checking out! 
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