Image from: Poison Flower (2015)

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Reviewed by edwinjamescalin US / Joined edwinjamescalin 2016
Poison Flower
Poison Flower
Poison Flower
Latvia, UK, 2015, 60 minutes Documentary
This documentary  clearly mirrored the struggles and lives of immigrants camping out in Harlow, UK.  Viewers can see  the the sincerity and no-holds barred way of how the characters are presented. There are scenes where Gundega and Melanie seem to be at odds and for me, the most memorable scenes would be that of Gundega and her mother as they sit down for some heart to heart talk and it was heartwarming to know Gundega more through the eyes of her mother, a very fragile and gentle woman. According to the director, Christopher Tew, it was getting the trust of the characters and the rest of the people at the immigrant camp as one of the challenges that he had to face. Simply documented but elicited a myriad of emotions from the viewers. Do check this out! 
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