Image from: Love and Lies (1980)

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Reviewed by edwinjamescalin US / Joined edwinjamescalin 2016
Love and Lies
Love and Lies
Love and Lies
Russia, 1980, 90 minutes, SD Family, Romance, Coming of Age
The thrills of a young love but with complications along the way! I find this Russian film about a young romance spiced with other complex issues like jealousy and indignation very interesting indeed. It was a delight to watch young talented actors and equally supportive and older actors tackle on  unique characters and personalities. However, one other thing that I found impressive was the musical scoring and soundtrack by Aleksey Rybnikov, a renowned film composer who have produced soundtracks for over a hundred films. Kudos to director Ilya Frez for a charming and poignant movie that gives viewers realizations and a new perspective where it concerns young love, parental relationships and marriage, among others. 
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