Image from: Ice Princess (2005)

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Reviewed by Bartonelster PH / Joined Bartonelster 2016
Ice Princess
Ice Princess
Ice Princess
USA, Canada, 2005, 98 minutes Comedy, Sport, Teen
I personally liked this movie, even though it had a lot of cliche' parts in it, it had it's good moments. I also like the author of the book and her series, a fact that motivated me to watch the movie in the first place, but when I watched it I was not disappointed. I give it 4 stars because I feel that the story could have been more developed, and more thought out. I also give it 4 stars because it had things that i never really thought about before like using formulas to figure out how to do a jump , and had a lot of funny moments that could happen in real life. So what this movie is full of cliche story lines? The cliche parts add to the story, and believe it or not, they make it better.
Not for me
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