Image from: Ruby Sparks (2012)

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Reviewed by Jacktorrance US / Joined Jacktorrance 2016
Ruby Sparks
Ruby Sparks
Ruby Sparks
USA, 2012, 104 minutes Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, Drama
A film filled with love, magic and imagination. Not the cliche kind of rom-com movies where boy meets girl and they lived happily together. This is what happened in reality -- men dream about a girl. Dream girl came out of nowhere, then the girl will change FOR the man and the man rejects the dream girl. Same goes for the women of course. I would like to commend Zoe Kazan for this movie blew my mind. You contributed a lot for this film and it just cannot be ignored. As for the plot, I loved how it made the viewers challenge their perceptions and you'd be just left with questions. Aside from acting, the message of the movie will also strike you; there is no perfect human being, and if so, they are just a product of your imagination. 
Not for me
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