Image from: Heart Attack (2015)

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Reviewed by jeteli PH / Joined jeteli 2016
Heart Attack
Heart Attack
Heart Attack
Thailand, 2015, 130 minutes Romance
I was caught up with the honesty and spontaneity of the story and the actors per se. Viewers may think it's a cheesy rom-com but I think it's just icing to the cake. What the film really delves on are the risks and consequences that go with freelancing or any work or career for that matter, when taken to extremes.  Yoon is a self-professed workaholic/ freelance graphic designer who doesn't seem to have rest and relaxation in his vocabulary. In fact, he seems to have only 3 friends. Overworking himself took its toll, rashes began to manifest signaling that something is wrong with his body. Then comes Dr. Imm and the relationship that followed, witnessed by viewers in a couple of scenes are heartwarming and quirky. Hard-headed patient vs. a doctor who' s committed to her profession, viewers will be entertained with the witty dialogues. With the popularity of freelancing nowadays, this film will surely be something that young professionals and the new generation of career people can relate to.  Not only does it impart important insights on the nature of freelancing but it also imparts the message that our bodies should not be pushed beyond its limit, don't over-stress and over-work it because the perils could be great. 
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