Image from: Fortune Cookie Magic Tricks (2011)

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Reviewed by bennydelacruz PH / Joined bennydelacruz 2016
Fortune Cookie Magic Tricks
Fortune Cookie Magic Tricks
Fortune Cookie Magic Tricks
USA, 2011, 11 minutes Asian, LGBT
This short film conveyed the message that sexual orientation is a choice and that choice must be respected by parents. The father here, thinking that homosexuality is some kind of affliction, does all that he could to “cure” his son.  But an error brings to life gay zombies.  In his son’s speech, they needed to work together and set aside their differences to save the world from Armaggedon.I was well entertained by the zany gay plot, and the way the actors handled it. I loved that it even had a musical moment. And although it was hilarious, I appreciated the message of brotherhood and oneness to face a common enemy nonetheless.
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