Reviewed by Lorlor87
on 15/04/2015 09:24

A little-known but brilliant film from Lisa Cholodenko (The Kids Are All Right). Widely and very unfairly rejected by the LGBT community for being a negative portrayal of queer characters when it was first doing the festival circuit, it is high time to revisit this film, which in my opinion is one of the best queer films ever made. The emotions are so raw they practically leap out of the screen and throttle you. Radha Mitchell gives a career-best performance - this is the film that should have rocketed her into the Hollywood A list, but due to its subject matter (this was the nineties, remember!) it was not to be. Massive kudos to Mitchell for taking on this role at the time, she really shines. Not to be outdone, Ally Sheedy and Patricia Clarkson make for excellent supporting ladies. Can't recommend this one enough. Watch it!