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Before I Forget

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Before I Forget

Avant que j'oublie
  • France
  • 2007
  • 108 minutes SD
  • Drama
  • LGBT
  • Romance
  • Arthouse

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Pierre is a one-time gigolo reflecting on a life of wild parties, multiple boyfriends and hedonistic impulses in present day Paris. His attempts to complete a book are constantly derailed by numerous visits from hustlers and a heavy writer’s block. Embarking on a series of visits to see acquaintances old and new, Pierre attempts to piece together memories of past and future prospects.

From discussions about the going rate for young male flesh, the exchanging of tips on how to secure a fortune from a wealthy benefactor and gossiping with friends and foes about their latest sexual conquests, Jacques goes on a journey of surprising self discovery, as he faces the consequences of his past and the person he is and will become. Eventually, it is a discussion about the desires of handsome rent boy Marc that leads Pierre’s life in a totally different, but not entirely unexpected, direction.

A sobering exploration of desire, sex and solitude, BEFORE I FORGET touches upon the extraordinary sensations experienced by a man who, at the brink of existence, has finally found himself.