Reviewed by sharonmae
on 08/07/2016 04:59

Barbara Niven as Rebecca is truly the film's strength and fortress. The very core of the story revolves around her;  her passionless life, her frustrations,  her need to quench a woman's inner desire. Her sensitivity in handling the character of Rebecca is effortless, seamless yet so on point. A woman, with her moments of light humor and candid clumsiness yet with deep emotional wounds.  Viewers will initially judge Paris the escort but as the film unfolds you shift gears, there follows sympathy, even pity for her situation and what life has offered her.  The flashbacks every now and then were initially confusing but after a while it will actually magnify and clear some sensitive details. This is a film that reckons, opens our eyes and explores a woman's deepest desires. Just enough reason for you not to miss this!