Image from: Where are you Bucharest? (2014)

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Reviewed by conradriggs MC / Joined conradriggs 2016
"A Look at Public Protests And How People Take to the Streets To Voice Out Sentiments"
Where are you Bucharest?
Where are you Bucharest?
Where are you Bucharest?
Romania, 2014, 80 minutes, HD Documentary
It's very depressing to see people and citizens of a country being caught up in conflict and being divided on their opinions and ideologies.  In this film that Vlad Petri documents, viewers can see very emotional people as they clamor for change in their rulers and the fear for economic collapse. What I found unsettling though was the fact that there were factions and various groups and it has become a common sight to witness arguments that oftentimes lead to physical harm.  Protesters from all walks of life, either men and women express their feelings and take to the streets,  to express their opinions.  Director Petri gets a closer view of  these protests giving viewers a more detailed look of what goes on in these public actions including the bickerings  and the spontaneous reactions and responses amongst individuals. 
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