Image from: Fathers (2016)

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Reviewed by wandahill SE / Joined wandahill 2016
"Heartfelt story of a not so normal family!"
Thailand, 2016, 96 minutes, HD Drama, LGBT
I was so smitten with the boy Butr while watching this film. It shows that the kid has great intelligence and clearly certain of his feelings for his two fathers who reared and cared for him, from a small baby to what he is now.  I particularly liked his conversations with the woman from the child rights institution,  those are candid and frank dialogues that surprise even the woman, who is also an orphan like Butr.  With the woman's effort, Butr was able to reunite with his long-lost mother but also tested  the endurance of his relationship with his two fathers.  It's some sort of legal sanctions as compared to who will the child really choose,  based on with whom he has really felt the love and attention.  In the case of Butr's mother, it was more of an atonement for  abandoning him  as a baby but not so much out of a great love for him and obviously it's the pair of Phoon and Yuke who suffer great emotional pain when Butr went to stay with his mother.  This is a very touching story of a dysfunctional family, the repercussions that go with it,  the means with how to handle situations when an adopted child starts asking questions, and a lot more.  Surely, caring for a child can be very complex, especially when the family arrangement is not considered  a normal one by society's measures.  This movie will surely make viewers ponder and meditate. 
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