Image from: Paternity Leave (2015)

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Reviewed by edwinjamescalin US / Joined edwinjamescalin 2016
Paternity Leave
Paternity Leave
Paternity Leave
USA, 2015, 90 minutes, HD Romance, Comedy, LGBT
Women who give birth have maternity leave, how bout men who get preggy, too?! It's on this premise that the film  wants to delve more deeply and  surprisingly, it's a heartwarming and eye-opening one! True, we don't get to see these too often  but the way the scenes were handled were quite realistic enough and in a light-hearted way. Director Riddlehoover, who has been touted as the Woody Allen of gay cinema, takes us on a journey about a gay couple who discover that one of them, Greg (Jacob York) was pregnant. It wasn't a smooth-sailing ride for this couple though, because aside from the initial anxiety, Ken ( Charlie David) also confesses that he's scared, causing conflict and rift between them. Thanks to some solid support from friends, Greg manages through but the very highlight of this film, as most would agree, is that scene where Greg finally gives birth and viewers are amused while others can't help but chuckle as he huffs and puffs and pushes and shouts and gnarls and everything else,  until finally, the baby comes out!  Hilarious in a rom-com kind of way minus any slapstick drama,  this film also has a serious note in it where it concerns the responsibility that comes with parenthood. Do watch this and you'll surely pick up a thing or two from this! 
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