Image from: Little Men (2016)

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Reviewed by snakeeyes GB / Joined snakeeyes 2014
Little Men
Little Men
Little Men
USA, 2016, 85 minutes Drama, US Indie
After taking a long time to get going (with too many shots where nothing happens and the score alone is left to evoke feeling/fill in the gaps), the story finally grows wings and starts to take flight. It's too little too late, but the flowering of these characters, and the performances, are so brilliant, that it's worth the wait. One of those rare films where no character is particularly likeable, however they all act out of genuine good feeling and intention. A fascinating portrait of families on both sides of the gentrification coin, the "well, this is real life, deal with it" message sticks in your head long after the credits, frustratingly so. For Sachs, there are only losers in this situation, except for the innocent kid who'll never know. For that, it comes dangerously close to an easy way out.
Not for me
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