Image from: My Only Ü (2008)

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Reviewed by nikkareyes PH / Joined nikkareyes 2016
My Only Ü
My Only Ü
My Only Ü
Philippines, 2008, 110 minutes Drama, Comedy, Romance, Asian
With Vhong Navarro and Toni Gonzaga on the helm, local viewers will instantly conclude that this is a comedy film. Both well-known local comedic actors, these two have worked together in a number of films such as D'Anothers and this time they try to come up with another hilarious take on a quite serious issue, that which concerns a loved one given a deadline before she succumbs to a disease. Not entirely a new plot but there are twists along the way that will try to make the viewers guess for a second or so. But all in all, this scene aims more to entertain and make viewers laugh and not dwell too deeply on the serious side. I think these two actors have positive chemistry on-screen. 
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