Image from: 21 Jump Street (2012)

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Reviewed by Verbalkint US / Joined Verbalkint 2016
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
USA, 2012, 109 minutes Action, Comedy, Crime
I'm a huge fan of Jonah Hill movies, but skipped seeing this in the theatres three years ago, because when a fat comedian loses weight, his humor appeal goes with it (and I hate Channing Tatum). 21 Jump Street looked too stupid to be a funny comedy and too silly to be considered a concrete action movie. If the trailer doesn't make you laugh, then the movie is likely to be no better than satisfactory. The film has a few enticing moments of both comedy and action but nothing capable of breaking the emotional barrier of "laugh out loud" or generating an adrenaline rush. I did get into it during the last thirty minutes because it's an average fun movie, but also very predictable.
Not for me
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