Image from: Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

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Reviewed by Sammy GB / Joined Sammy -0001
Howl's Moving Castle
Howl's Moving Castle
Howl's Moving Castle
Japan, 2004, 119 minutes Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Action, Anime
Like all Studio Ghibli films "Howl's Moving Castle" is a delight to the eyes as well as the mind. A beautiful world of animation that takes you to the most inspiring and picturesque places. Hayao Miyazaki builds loveable characters that always spark thought and emotion. Sophie has a very modest life as a hatter and suddenly receives attention from adventurer Howl, she is cursed by a jealous witch turning the young woman into a 90 year old lady. The themes of the film are about fighting against fear and anxiety. It's a motivational film takes you on an amazing adventure whilst teaching you inspiring life lessons... The big one being, stop wasting time and live your life to the full.
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