Image from: Big Tits Zombie (2010)

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Reviewed by edwinjamescalin US / Joined edwinjamescalin 2016
Big Tits Zombie
Big Tits Zombie
Big Tits Zombie
Japan, 2010, 73 minutes, SD Horror, Asian, Comedy
Judging from the title alone, you'd guess what's in the film; zombies and women with big boobs.  Surprisingly, the film was engaging not only for the laudable performances of the lead characters but also with the unconventional comedic yet scary scenes. Director Nakano, known for pink films like Sumo Vixens and Sexual Parasite Killer Pussy is at it again with this movie, delivering not only a dash of erotic and naughty theme but also blood and gore. The lead characters are popular Japanese adult film regulars notably Sola Aoi and Risa Kasumi who have some  bare-breast and nude scenes but all in a funny not too vulgar way. If you're into some surreal humor and sexiness then do check this out. 
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