Image from: Cheer Up (2016)

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Reviewed by edwinjamescalin US / Joined edwinjamescalin 2016
Cheer Up
Cheer Up
Cheer Up
Canada, Finland, 2016, 86 minutes Sport, Documentary, Arthouse
Simple yet charming and with interesting characters! I was drawn to the Arctic landscape and views, Finland has a charm all its own. Judging from the scenes where there were countless participants for a cheerleading competition, there's no doubt that the Finnish people have also started to embrace the competitive sport of cheerleading. They are great in their own way and while not in the league of most American cheerleading teams, it is positive to note that they are keenly interested in improving at it. The team highlighted in this documentary started off in the lowest rankings but upon the film's conclusion there was a big difference: they have improved and there's fire in their eyes. And there were already smiles,definitely! 
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