Reviewed by jeteli
on 22/09/2016 14:36

I was kinda amazed with the quite unconventional way with which young people from America are uprooted and brought to a totally new environment just so they can be reformed.  This documentary by Kate Logan which premiered at the Slam Dance Film Festival in Utah in January 2014 attracted attention for the disturbing facts it presented and divulged.  Realized through crowdfunding campaigns via Kickstarter and Indiegogo, this movie focuses on at least three of the students at the Escuela Caribe school in the Dominican Republic who were all there because of behavior  problems and for David, because he told the parents he was gay.  The facts have earned unsettling reactions from entities and individuals because there are methods that were quite questionable. This movie won Best Documentary Feature at the Slamdance Film Festival.  Worth checking out!